- akce již proběhla.
13. prosince 2021 @ 16:00 - 18:00
30€ – 50€
Product recalls. Environmental disasters. Corporate malfeasance. When unexpected events
require an immediate public response, crisis communication teams swing into action. And
when a crisis spills across borders and language barriers, expert translation is critical to
protect communities, employees and customers—not to mention brand integrity, revenue
and assets.
require an immediate public response, crisis communication teams swing into action. And
when a crisis spills across borders and language barriers, expert translation is critical to
protect communities, employees and customers—not to mention brand integrity, revenue
and assets.
The next ITIA specialised webinar in conjunction with SFT and FIT Europe „Under the radar – translating corporate crisis communications“ will take place next Monday, December 13, from 3 to 5 pm (Irish) / 4 to 6 pm (CET).
Gerard Braud, CSP, Fellow IEC, Braud Communications (USA), media and crisis communications
Fabien Contino, Managing Partner, Shan (France)
Chris Durban, FITI, SFT, Fr>En translator specializing in corporate communication and investor relations (France)
David Jemielity, Head of Translation, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (Switzerland)
Lisa Rüth, Managing Partner and Financial Translator, Ralf Lemster Financial Translations, Frankfurt (Germany)
For details, please see the attached and this link:
All welcome! To register, please send an email to events@translatorsassociation.ie